Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980

The Irony of “Desolation” in the Gospel Age Covenants

One benefit of the Apostle's argument in Galatians 4:21-31 is his demonstration of the fact that two covenants are operable during the Gospel Age. As Jesus ignored the Highway of Holiness (Matt 7:13,14) because it was not an option when he spoke, Paul here ignores the Keturah Covenant because it was not an option for the Gospel Age. This clearly demonstrates that the Law [...]

Categories: Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980|

Jesus’ Birth & Herod’s Death

Bible Students have long believed that Jesus was born in 2 BC (SS, Vol. 2, pp. 54-62). But most modern historians have dated his birth at from 4-7 BC. The reason for this is that Jesus was born before Herod died (Matt. 2:1), and it has been thought that Herod died in the spring of 4 BC, following an eclipse of the moon early [...]

Categories: Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980|

What was the star of Bethlehem

We now know that Herod died in January of BC 1, and that Jesus was born in the fall of BC 2. (See previous article.) Since the wise men from the east visited Jesus between these two events, it settles an otherwise debatable matter concerning the date of their visit and of Joseph's flight to Egypt to escape Herod's decree. Now we know that [...]

Categories: Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980|

Confirmation of a Fall Birth Date

Luke's gospel tells us that after Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist, she "hid herself five months . . . and in the sixth month" Mary was told that she also would bear a son. (Luke 1:24-26, 36) The inference of Luke 1:5-24 is that Elizabeth conceived at the end of Zacharias' "days of . . . ministration" -if we can determine what time that [...]

Categories: Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980|
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