Richard Doctor

The Hour and Day and Month and Year

The Unintended Reformation to World War I “Christianity remained in the sixteenth century what it had always been — a shared way of life, not simply as an ideal but in practice, inescapably social because of Jesus’s central command: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ (John 15:12). And the Bible was God’s word, his saving truth for human beings with implications for [...]

Categories: Richard Doctor, Volume 32, No.2, May 2021|

Chiasms, Memorable Teaching

“For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little” (Isaiah 28:10). Effective teaching employs repetition, precept upon precept as noted in Isaiah. Sadly, as the Isaiah context shows, the immediate hearers seem to have included those slow of heart. A special style of effective repetitive teaching called Chiasms appears throughout the [...]

Categories: Richard Doctor, Volume 35, No.3, Sep. 2024|

666, the False Donation of Constantine, and the Renaissance

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666” (Revelation 13:18) Pastor Charles T. Russell, Question Book (1911), page 37. “What about the number of the beast, 666?” ANSWER. — “There are various interpretations given to this. I am not specially prepared to say all about [...]

Categories: Richard Doctor, Volume 35, No.1, Mar. 2024|

The Golden Calf – Exodus 32 and Chiasms

What has happened to Moses? We do not see him, The mob was blind with frustration. The people assembled unto Aaron; it was near forty days since Moses had ascended the fearful mountain and since then there was no word, no signal, no sighting of Moses. Whispers grew into a mob’s roar that demanded to know, “What has happened to Moses? We do not [...]

Categories: Richard Doctor, Volume 35, No.3, Sep. 2024|

Gnostic Belief

A background to Gnosticism, as an editorial adjunct to the previous article Shortly before our Lord’s birth, Gnostic belief emerged. It was a mixture of Judaism that was awed by Platonic Greek Philosophy but departed from both sacred Biblical text and Platonism. Gnosticism set forth a basic tenet of error — that all creation excepting the inaccessible divine creator was an amalgam of spirit [...]

Categories: Richard Doctor, Volume 34, No.4, Dec. 2023|

Evidence Missing!

The One-half billion years (give or take a few years) of evolutionary evidence is missing! The June 22, 2023 Nature magazine article “Lost World of Complex Life,” by Jochen J. Brocks, et al. [1] deserves special mention to our readership. The intense interest in all aspects of the appearance of “complex life” by the science community has brought to light compelling proof for the [...]

Categories: Richard Doctor, Volume 34, No.3, Sep. 2023|
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