Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981
Structure of the Jewish Calendar
The Jewish calendar was ingeniously constructed to regulate all the secular affairs of the people, as well as to mark the proper time for observing the recurring religious feasts and holy days. It is established on both a lunar and solar basis, meaning that both the moon and sun affect its structure, as we shall shortly observe. Genesis specifically states that the heavenly bodies [...]
A correspondent submits the following to clarify that Pentecost is the 50th day from Nisan 16th, which is the 50th day after Nisan 15th, lest any brethren have misunderstood. So far as we know, all authorities agree with the correspondent's conclusion. "Abib or Nisan ... Day 15 - "The solemnity of the Passover ... Sivan ... Day 6-Pentecost, the fiftieth day after the Passover." [...]
Pentecost and the Decalogue
"Though the canonical Scriptures speak of Pentecost as simply a harvest festival, yet the non-canonical documents show, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the Jews, at least as early as the days of Christ, connected with it, and commemorated on the 6th of Sivan [Pentecost], the third month, the giving of the Decalogue [the ten commandments]. "The Talmud declares that 'the rabbis propounded [...]
Chronology of the Development of the Doctrine of The Mass
Last issue's article on the "Little Horn," dealt primarily with the time "the abomination that maketh desolate" (Papacy) was "set up" in civil control (Daniel 12) This, by another contributor summarizes the development of the mass which caused "the daily sacrifice" (the ransom) to "be taken away" by declaring that Jesus' sacrifice was regularly repeated in the mass, rather than once accomplished and all-sufficient. [...]