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Past Issues by Title
“7 Times” – 4 Times -
Volume 1, No.1, Nov. 1980,
666, the False Donation of Constantine, and the Renaissance -
Richard Doctor, Volume 35, No.1, Mar. 2024,
A Clue to Ezekiel? -
Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981,
A Covenant Sacrifice -
Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981,
A Crown of Thorns -
Volume 33, No.4, Nov. 2022,
A Harvest Psalm – Psalm 82 -
David Doran, Volume 2, No.4, Nov. 1991,
A Lion, a Bear, and a Serpent -
Volume 33, No.2, May. 2022,
A Prophecy of Noah -
Volume 3, No.1, Jan. 1982,
A Sword Upon Babylon -
Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981,
A Talent – the Price of a Man -
Volume 3, No.1, Jan. 1982,
Allegories of Redemption -
Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981,
Allies Against Ancient Israel -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
An Ass and a Colt -
R.E. Evans, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991,
An Introduction to the Exodus: A Picture of the Plan of the Ages -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 2, No.4, Nov. 1991,
And they lived… -
Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981,
Animals that Represent Jesus -
David Stein, Volume 35, No.4, Dec. 2024,
Atonement: Leviticus Chapter 9 vs. Chapter 16 -
Michael Nekora, Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1991,
Beasts Whose Blood is Brought into the Sanctuary -
Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981,
Beauties of the Truth -
Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
Birthright -
Jerry Leslie, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991,
Bones and Bodies -
David Doran, Volume 2, No.9, Sep. 1981,
Burnt? -
Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981,
Cain and Abel -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 35, No.3, Sep. 2024,
Can We Explain Gehenna Without the Garbage Dump? -
Robert Virgil, Volume 34, No.3, Sep. 2023,
Chiasms, Memorable Teaching -
Richard Doctor, Volume 35, No.3, Sep. 2024,
Chronology of Early Bible Student Movement -
Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981,
Chronology of Highlights of the Millerite Movement -
Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981,
Chronology of Papal Decline in Temporal Power -
Volume 2, No.9, Sep. 1981,
Chronology of Papal Growth in Temporal Power -
Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981,
Chronology of the Development of the Doctrine of The Mass -
Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981,
Common Days -
Volume 3, No.1, Feb. 1992,
Confirmation of a Fall Birth Date -
Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980,
Cords and Pins -
Carl Hagensick, Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
Correlating the Spring and Fall Burnt Offerings -
Tom Ruggirello, Volume 35, No.4, Dec. 2024,
Correspondence -
Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981,
Correspondence -
Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981,
Correspondence -
Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1981,
Correspondence -
Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981,
Correspondence on the Crucifixion Method -
Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981,
Coup in Turkey -
Volume 1, No.1, Nov. 1980,
Cross or Torture Stake? -
Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981,
Did Jesus have Brothers and Sisters (Siblings)? -
David Stein, Volume 35, No.4, Dec. 2024,
Dividing the Land -
Volume 33, No.2, May. 2022,
Doves, Lamps, Eyes -
Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1981,
Evidence Missing! -
Richard Doctor, Volume 34, No.3, Sep. 2023,
Evidence of Divine Design in the Great Pyramid -
Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1981,
Fig Tree and Figs in the Bible -
Tom Gilbert, Volume 33, No.3, Aug. 2022,
Fillets of the Tabernacle -
Thomas Gilbert, Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
Five Special Occasions -
David Rice, Volume 35, No.1, Mar. 2024,
Following the Battle of Ezekiel 38 -
George Tabac, Volume 33, No.1, Feb. 2022,
Four Classes -
Brad Sweeney, Volume 33, No.3, Aug. 2022,
Four Generations Illustrating God’s Plan -
Tom Ruggirello, Volume 31, No.4, Nov. 2020,
From a Reader -
Volume 3, No.1, Feb. 1992,
From a Reader -
Volume 2, No.2, May. 1991,
From Glory to Glory -
Volume 2, No.2, Feb. 1981,
Genesis 2:2 -
Marion Schrock, Volume 2, No.2, May. 1991,
Glimpses of God -
Tom Ruggirello, Volume 2, No.4, Nov. 1991,
Gnostic Belief -
Richard Doctor, Volume 34, No.4, Dec. 2023,
Helps for Tracing Bible Student Beliefs in History -
Volume 2, No.9, Sep. 1981,
Henry Grew on the Trinity -
Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981,
History of the Ark -
Henry Soltau, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991,
Hosea, A Minor Prophet with a Major Challenge -
Tom Ruggirello, Volume 34, No.1, Mar. 2023,
How 535-542 AD Changed the World -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.4, Dec. 2023,
How David Beat Goliath -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 33, No.4, Nov. 2022,
I Have Sinned -
David Stein, Volume 32, No.1, Feb. 2021,
I Saw God! -
Daniel Kaleta, Volume 2, No.4, Nov. 1991,
In Our Image, After Our Likeness -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit -
Len Griehs, Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1991,
Israel, Iraq and the Gulf Crisis -
Carl Hagensick, Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1991,
Israel, the Sand of the Seashore -
Robert Gray, Volume 33, No.1, Feb. 2022,
Jesus’ Birth & Herod’s Death -
Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980,
Jesus’ Last Days -
Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981,
Joel 2:28,29 -
David Doran, Volume 34, No.4, Dec. 2023,
Joshua Crossing Jordan -
Volume 33, No.1, Feb. 2022,
Languages and Babel -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.3, Sep. 2023,
Let your Life be a Bible -
Benjamin Barton, Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
Lutron Anti and Antilutron -
Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981,
Melchizedek -
Adam Kopczyk, Volume 33, No.2, May. 2022,
Messiah’s Conquering Reign -
Charles Redeker, Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
Michael the Archangel, Jesus -
Volume 33, No.3, Aug. 2022, William Dutka,
Mixing Oil and Water -
Carl Hagensick, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991,
Moses, the Reluctant Servant -
David Stein, Volume 32, No.1, Feb. 2021,
Never a Secret Society Member -
Volume 35, No.2, June. 2024,
New Testament Greek Words Regarding Christ’s Second Presence -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991,
No “Give Me” in the Lord’s Prayer -
Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
Overview of Church History -
Ken Osterman, Volume 2, No.2, May. 1991,
Pentecost and the Decalogue -
Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981,
Resolving Differences at the Garden Tomb -
Tom Ruggirello, Volume 32, No.1, Feb. 2021,
Revelation -
Volume 3, No.1, Jan. 1982,
Revelation-Section I, Introduction -
Volume 3, No.2, Feb. 1982,
Rod of An Almond Tree -
Volume 1, No.1, Nov. 1980,
Rubbed Upon the Touchstone -
Tom Ruggirello, Volume 32, No.3, Aug. 2021,
Seven Pictures of Armageddon -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
Shroud of Turin -
Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981,
Signs of Christ’s Presence -
Antoine Papajak, Volume 3, No.1, Feb. 1992,
Solar System Symbology -
Volume 3, No.2, Feb. 1982,
Some Sin Offerings Eaten -
Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981,
Spoil -
Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981,
Spring & Fall Ordinances -
Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981,
Stars Over Alabama -
Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981,
Stars, Dust & Sand -
Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981,
Structure of the Jewish Calendar -
Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981,
Tabernacle Symbols -
John Meggison, Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
The Beginning and the End (of Revelation 13) -
David Doran, Volume 1, No.1, Oct. 1990,
The Bloodshed of Jezreel -
Volume 34, No.1, Mar. 2023,
The Dragon of Revelation 20 -
Volume 1, No.1, Nov. 1980,
The Exodus – Part II -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 3, No.1, Feb. 1992,
The First Trumpet, Ephesus -
Volume 34, No.3, Sep. 2023,
The Golden Calf – Exodus 32 and Chiasms -
Richard Doctor, Volume 35, No.3, Sep. 2024,
The Harvests of God -
David Stein, Volume 35, No.2, June. 2024,
The Hebrew Record -
Volume 32, No.2, May 2021,
The Hour and Day and Month and Year -
Richard Doctor, Volume 32, No.2, May 2021,
The House of Togarmah, Is Modern China a Cultural Descendant? -
Richard Doctor, Volume 33, No.4, Nov. 2022,
The Irony of “Desolation” in the Gospel Age Covenants -
Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980,
The Law as a “Schoolmaster” -
David Stein, Volume 31, No.4, Nov. 2020,
The Likeness of Moses and Paul -
Brad Sweeney, Volume 34, No.1, Mar. 2023,
The Little Horn -
Volume 2, No.6, June. 1981,
The Mount of Olives -
Volume 3, No.1, Jan. 1982,
The Pentateuch and the Divine Plan -
Volume 34, No.1, Mar. 2023,
The People that Walked in Darkness -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
The Plan of the Ages – A Review by Joseph Rotherham -
Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981,
The Prophet Haggai and the Harvest -
J. Joshua, India, Volume 32, No.4, Nov. 2021,
The Seven Churches of Revelation -
Charles Redeker, Volume 2, No.2, May. 1991,
The Seven Churches of Revelation 2-3 -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 32, No.4, Nov. 2021,
The Seven Last Plagues -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
The Signs of Jonas -
Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981,
The Theology of Isaac Newton -
Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981,
The Transfiguration -
Michael Nekora, Volume 3, No.1, Feb. 1992,
Three Days and Three Nights -
R.E. Evans, Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1991,
Three Observances of the Feast of Tabernacles -
Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981,
True Christians in the Middle Ages -
Timothy Krupa, Volume 34, No.4, Dec. 2023,
Turn to Ashes -
David Stein, Volume 32, No.3, Aug. 2021,
Two Groups in the Revelation -
Volume 2, No.2, Feb. 1981,
Two Overturnings of the Tables — Two Miracle Fish Draughts -
John Bivol, Volume 34, No.3, Sep. 2023,
Two Pillars and Two Testaments -
Jeff Hausmann, Volume 32, No.2, May 2021,
Two Women Compared -
Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981,
Units of Measure in the Great Pyramid -
Volume 2, No.2, Feb. 1981,
Using the Enemy Against the Enemy -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
War in the Middle East -
Volume 1, No.1, Nov. 1980,
Was Jesus born on the Feast of Trumpets? -
Len Griehs, Volume 32, No.4, Nov. 2021,
What was the star of Bethlehem -
Volume 1, No.2, Dec. 1980,
When the Seventh Angel Sounds -
Jim Parkinson, Volume 34, No.2, June. 2023,
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