1981 – Volume 2

Evidence of Divine Design in the Great Pyramid

The arrangement of passages and chambers in the Great Pyramid appeals to many as a divinely - designed portrayal of the Divine Plan. The four main passages and three primary chambers represent paths and fixed destinies in God's Plan. The feature we mention here relates the lengths of the three upper passages to a significant length in the King's Chamber. The King's Chamber is [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1981|

Two Groups in the Revelation

Applying the principles of topical study is especially imperative in the Bible's last book. Among other advantages, it helps prevent our imaginations from going astray in an area already sufficiently imaginative. In this spirit is offered the following study on two different groupings of individuals in prophecy. I. "Them that dwell upon the earth" is the first group for consideration. (Sometimes variable phraseology such [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.2, Feb. 1981|

Jesus’ Last Days

The last week of our Lord's human life was full and active. A good part of the Gospel accounts deal with his last days, and a surprising number of the teachings and parables recorded for us were delivered in them. SUNDAY NISAN 9 We pick up the account of Jesus' last week in John 12:1... "Then Jesus six days before the passover came to [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981|

The Signs of Jonas

When our Lord died, there were several notable occurrences to indicate the significance of his crucifixion. Darkness fell over the land from noon to 15:00, when our Lord expired. The Veil in the Temple was rent from top to bottom, the earth shook, graves were opened, and the moon eclipsed. Those who soberly considered these signs received a sense of the importance of Jesus' [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981|

Spring & Fall Ordinances

There are certain parallels between the ordinances of the law which pertain to the spring of the year, and those which pertain to the fall of the year. For example, in the spring was the seven day feast of unleavened bread, Nisan 15-21; in the fall was the seven-day feast of tabernacles, Tishri 15-21. In the spring, Nisan 10, the passover lamb was selected; [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981|

The Little Horn

Daniel 12 refers to three periods of time: 1260, 1290, and 1335 days. These prophetic days are generally understood to represent years, which began to count "from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up." (Daniel 12:11) The date when Papacy was "set up" with her doctrine of the mass, which sets aside the [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.6, June. 1981|

Structure of the Jewish Calendar

The Jewish calendar was ingeniously constructed to regulate all the secular affairs of the people, as well as to mark the proper time for observing the recurring religious feasts and holy days. It is established on both a lunar and solar basis, meaning that both the moon and sun affect its structure, as we shall shortly observe. Genesis specifically states that the heavenly bodies [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981|


A STUDY ON THE WORD "SPOIL" AS USED IN MATTHEW 12:29 In this verse, our Lord gives us considerable information in regard to the sequence of events, here at the end of the Age. Being so brief, it is necessary that we carefully consider the meaning of each word, in order to get the correct meaning. In this verse, the word "spoil" needs careful [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981|

Bones and Bodies

In Ezekiel 39:11-16 is a statement (apparently symbolic) of the burying of the bodies of the remnants of Gog's invasion of Israel. This article's purpose is to suggest a possible solution to the symbolisms of bodies, graves, passengers, Hamon-Gog, Gog, and the seven months. Concerning the symbolic use of bodies and their parts, it is suggested that a reading of Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Zechariah [...]

Categories: David Doran, Volume 2, No.9, Sep. 1981|

Henry Grew on the Trinity

The following is excerpted from "An Examination of the Divine Testimony Concerning the Character of the Son of God," by Henry Grew, published in 1824. The entire treatise is 70 pages in length, thoughtfully written and reverent. Bro. Grew preambled the publication with this quotation: "When we have humbly and attentively considered and ascertained the meaning of any proposition, we should implicitly believe it, [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

The Plan of the Ages – A Review by Joseph Rotherham

Joseph Rotherham, the translator of the Emphasized Bible which many Bible Students use frequently, was the editor of a journal titled The Rainbow. In Volume 23, 1886, appeared his 10-page review of the first Volume of Millennial Dawn, The Plan of the Ages. Though Rotherham held some of the conventional misinterpretations concerning the nature of man, the Trinity, Rev. 20:5, and the identity of [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981|

Allegories of Redemption

The Old Testament Scriptures are literally full of allegorical illustrations of various features of the Divine Plan. And there is an order to the allegories. Allegories illustrating God's covenants, for example, are not randomly distributed throughout the Old Testament, but are concentrated in the history of the lives of the patriarchs to whom God's covenant of blessing was expressed. To Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981|

Doves, Lamps, Eyes

Doves, lamps and eyes are used in the Bible as symbols of the Holy Spirit. It is the intent of this article to bring attention to their usage in a few cases. Each of these symbols is independently tied in with the Holy Spirit. The dove appears in connection with our Lord's baptism. "And John bare record, saying, l saw the Spirit descending from [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1981|

From Glory to Glory

"But all of us, as with unveiled faces we mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed into the same likeness, from glory to glory, even as derived from the Lord the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18 - Weymouth) The expression "from glory to glory" has been mysterious to us for some time. In a recent class question meeting a harmony to the context in [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.2, Feb. 1981|


CONCERNING "TWO GROUPS IN THE REVELATION" "Seven times in Revelation this similar four-grouping occurs, (Below, from Marshall's Diaglott) 5:9 7:9 10:11 11:9 13:7 14:6 17:15 tongue tongues tongues tongues tongue tongue tongues people peoples peoples people people people peoples nation nation nations nations nation nation nations tribe tribes kings tribes tribe tribe crowds   Note the two times that tribe' does not appear, it [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981|

The Theology of Isaac Newton

Concerning Isaac Newton we read: "He was as great a writer in [theology] as his generation produced, and though not always in strict accordance with the most conservative Christian orthodoxy, he shone especially as a worthy example of Christian life, and, notwithstanding a most unfaltering inquiry into nature's law, stood fast always in his faith in the Holy Scriptures, which he made as much [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981|


WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST "We understand that Armageddon and Jacob's Trouble are two separate and distinct events; Jacob's Trouble being the last feature of Armageddon, after Armageddon is mainly over. In Armageddon, the Lord's great army will destroy present powers world-wide. In Jacob's Trouble, Gog and Magog, armies from the north, will come to Israel to take a spoil." In Reply - Our thought [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981|

Beasts Whose Blood is Brought into the Sanctuary

The book of Hebrews is devoted to showing that the Law Covenant was not everlasting, and had in fact been superseded by the glory of the Gospel ministry. In the closing chapter when we read... "It is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein" (Hebrews 13:8,9) ...the writer [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981|


A correspondent submits the following to clarify that Pentecost is the 50th day from Nisan 16th, which is the 50th day after Nisan 15th, lest any brethren have misunderstood. So far as we know, all authorities agree with the correspondent's conclusion. "Abib or Nisan ... Day 15 - "The solemnity of the Passover ... Sivan ... Day 6-Pentecost, the fiftieth day after the Passover." [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981|


Some question has arisen concerning Leviticus 9:24. What offering is it which was here consumed? Some have felt it to be (1) the daily evening offering; others feel it to be (2) the remains of the sacrifices earlier in Leviticus 9; yet others have thought it to be (3) one of the animals of verse 2. The answer seems to be hidden in the [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981|

Chronology of Papal Decline in Temporal Power

LOSS OF ABILITY TO "SCATTER THE POWER OF THE HOLY PEOPLE" (AFTER 1260 DAYS)   PRIOR TO FRENCH REVOLUTION (1775-1789) "Between 1775 and 1789 Pius VI had to confront an almost universal malevolence or hostility of governments and public opinion against the Holy See. Rulers maneuvered to wrench from the Pope concessions designed to win for them popular acclaim, or to increase their authority [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.9, Sep. 1981|

Correspondence on the Crucifixion Method

I thought some may be interested in additional information on the crucifixion question. In 1968 Israeli archaeologists uncovered the remains of a crucifixion victim named Jehohanan. They were able to determine that he was crucified on a cross with a cross-arm. A single nail was driven through a wooden plaque and then the feet into the cross, the knees were bent and a small [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

Lutron Anti and Antilutron

The word "ransom" appears in our English New Testament 3 times: Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45, 1 Timothy 2:6. But the Greek in each case is not the same. In Matthew 20:28 and Mark 10:45, the word rendered "ransom" is lutron, followed with the word anti. But in Timothy the Greek is one word, antilutron. Why this difference? There is a slightly different thought in [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981|

Stars, Dust & Sand

God promised Abraham that his seed would be multiplied greatly. To illustrate this God likened Abraham's seed to the stars of heaven, the dust of the earth, and the sand of the seashore - each multitudinous. But Bible Students have long seen that these terms convey a deeper meaning than just of a vast number. The stars picture the heavenly seed of Abraham, the [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981|


"I was very thankful to have received the first issue... The need for a publication of just this variety had occurred to me in the past year... No doubt some differences of viewpoint will arise with respect to certain of the interpretations put forward in your newsletter ... In particular I have been impressed with the format for discussion provided by scientific journals such [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.1, Jan. 1981|

Units of Measure in the Great Pyramid

The feature discussed in the previous article (January issue) was not dependent upon any particular unit of measure. This is helpful because it makes the evidence more direct. But the units of measure used in the Pyramid are of deep interest and now we turn to examine them. A popular standard of measure in ancient Egypt was the Egyptian Royal Cubit. Since actual measuring [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.2, Feb. 1981|

Two Women Compared

Revelation 17 and 21 present contrasting pictures of the "great whore" and "the bride, the Lamb's wife." There are several particulars of the passages which are so closely related, either by similarity or contrast, that it is apparent to the reader was intended to note a contrast between the chaste Bride of Christ and the adulterous pretender. We list them here: Revelation 17:1-8 Revelation [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981|

Stars Over Alabama

In Volume 4, pp. 585-590, some literal applications of our Lord's words "shall the sun be darkened . . . the stars shall fall from heaven" (Matthew 24:29) are suggested. One of these relates to the star shower of 1833, and some brethren recently investigating that event found some newspaper articles speaking of its impact over Alabama, where the display was very prominent. Below [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981|

Pentecost and the Decalogue

"Though the canonical Scriptures speak of Pentecost as simply a harvest festival, yet the non-canonical documents show, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the Jews, at least as early as the days of Christ, connected with it, and commemorated on the 6th of Sivan [Pentecost], the third month, the giving of the Decalogue [the ten commandments]. "The Talmud declares that 'the rabbis propounded [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981|

Cross or Torture Stake?

Many have been plagued by the fruitless arguments of a well-known organization whose adherents make much of the question of what it was upon which Jesus was crucified (or "impaled"). One brother was accosted with the question at a fair booth: "Why do you have Jesus hanging on a pagan symbol?" His answer as classic: "Because it was pagans who killed him." Perhaps the [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981|

Helps for Tracing Bible Student Beliefs in History

The prophets and the apostles prophesied the loss of many precious truths, and the pollution of the sanctuary class with defiling errors. As well, they spoke of the cleansing of the sanctuary as the end of the age would approach. Some brethren have researched the history of Truth doctrines, and others may have an interest in doing so. For those who wish it, the [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.9, Sep. 1981|

And they lived…

This familiar expression is from Revelation 20:4... "And I saw ... the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, . . . and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." We want to specially ask the meaning of the words "they lived." The first impression which comes to mind is that the saints lived with and reigned with [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

Chronology of Highlights of the Millerite Movement

"MAN PURIFIED... THE WISE TO UNDERSTAND" (AFTER 1290 DAYS) 1816 William T. Miller (1782-1849) was converted to Christianity in a Baptist church in Hampton, New York. A studious and self-educated man, he was not satisfied with certain aspects of Christian teaching and the many seeming contradictions of the Bible. This motivated him to undertake a two year comprehensive study of the Bible which convinced [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

A Covenant Sacrifice

As the years passed, and Abraham wondered about the birth of the promised heir, he queried the Lord for an assurance respecting his expectation. He no doubt wished to be certain he understood the promise correctly. God renewed his word, affirming that as the innumerable stars above, "so shall thy seed be." (Genesis 15:5) God also instructed Abraham to perform what may seem a [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981|

A Sword Upon Babylon

Some time ago a brother directed our attention to a passage of Jeremiah which prophesied the destruction of Babylon, and suggested that it paralleled the 7 plagues, which are a seven-staged destruction of mystic Babylon during the Gospel Age Harvest. The prophecy is in the 50th chapter of Jeremiah. That chapter opens: "The word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981|

Three Observances of the Feast of Tabernacles

The opening article referred to the feast of tabernacles as a kingdom celebration of mankind. The observances of this feast recorded in the Bible seem to support this. The Old Testament speaks of three such observances, and all were at times which represent the time of kingdom blessing opening to mankind. (1) After the dedication of Solomon's Temple. (1 Kings 8:1, 2; 2 Chronicles [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.5, May. 1981|

Chronology of the Development of the Doctrine of The Mass

Last issue's article on the "Little Horn," dealt primarily with the time "the abomination that maketh desolate" (Papacy) was "set up" in civil control (Daniel 12) This, by another contributor summarizes the development of the mass which caused "the daily sacrifice" (the ransom) to "be taken away" by declaring that Jesus' sacrifice was regularly repeated in the mass, rather than once accomplished and all-sufficient. [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.7, Jul. 1981|

Chronology of Papal Growth in Temporal Power

"SETTING UP OF THE ABOMINATION THAT MAKETH DESOLATE" 4TH-5TH CENTURIES. THE CHURCH'S ROLE IN A COLLAPSING EMPIRE. "The Papacy was concerned with holding the Church together and protecting it from the invading barbarians. During the course of these invasions, both the popes and the bishops in the Roman Empire found themselves acquiring property and power by default as the Roman administration collapsed. This fusion [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.8, Aug. 1981|

A Clue to Ezekiel?

It is possible that the book of Ezekiel is a prophecy of the harvest church. Chapter 1, verse 3, suggests in the meaning of the proper names employed that this might well be the case: Ezekiel means "Whom God will strengthen" (meaning uncertain) - perhaps suggesting Rev. 3:20. Buzi means "contempt" - certainly the attitude with which the Babylonish world views the harvest church. [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

Chronology of Early Bible Student Movement

"Blessed is he that cometh to the 1335 days" 1868 Charles T. Russell (1852-1916), raised in a Christian atmosphere, had joined the church at an early age and been active in mission work. But the creeds became a stumbling block to him, because he could not harmonize their teachings (especially eternal hellfire) with his concept of a loving God. But just as the very [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981|

Some Sin Offerings Eaten

A reader points us to Numbers 18:9-10, inquiring how this accords with our comment regarding Hebrews 13 that sin offerings were not to be eaten. (As in "Beasts Whose Blood is Brought into the Sanctuary," May 1981 BT.) The answer is that some sin offerings were eaten, and some were not. The kind referred to by Paul in Hebrews 13 could not be eaten [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.12, Dec. 1981|

Shroud of Turin

The 40-member Shroud of Turin Research Project tentatively concludes the image on the shroud is of a scourged crucified man. The blood stains are real, but it is not possible for scientists to decide if the image is Jesus Christ's. Nonetheless, a former member of the team is co-author of a book claiming the long linen cloth is Christ's burial shroud. The holy scriptures [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.11, Nov. 1981|
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