Volume 3, No.2, Feb. 1982

Revelation-Section I, Introduction

At the outset of the book, John gives us the authority for the Revelation he saw and recorded. It came from God, given to Jesus, and delivered to John through Christ's angel, messenger. John addressed his writings to the seven churches in Asia minor, as he was instructed to do (vs. 11). But as the promises, warnings, counsel and encouragement of the book are [...]

Categories: Volume 3, No.2, Feb. 1982|

Solar System Symbology

A number of brethren favor the thought that the star constellations of the heavens are arranged by divine providence to picture features of the Divine Plan. And there are scriptural references to the "Mazzaroth, " the signs of the zodiac, and particular symbolic stars and star clusters. We cannot recount the evidence here, but many brethren have some familiarity with this subject. This leads [...]

Categories: Volume 3, No.2, Feb. 1982|
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