Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991

Mixing Oil and Water

There is an old saying that oil and water don't mix. Yet there is one place in the Bible where these two elements are combined to form one illustration. It is the illustration of unity, and it is found in the 133rd Psalm. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment [...]

Categories: Carl Hagensick, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991|

New Testament Greek Words Regarding Christ’s Second Presence

Below is a brief review of the relevant words, followed with a chart of their appearances in the Scriptures. Erchomai. The first thing one must do to be present is “to come.“ Thus the word erchomai is used more frequently of Christ's Second Advent than all others combined. The noun form, elevsis, means “coming.” Another form, ho erchomenos, means “the coming one,” or “he [...]

Categories: Jim Parkinson, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991|

An Ass and a Colt

Zechariah 9:9 reads: “Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion; shout, 0 daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh upon thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, [even] upon a colt the foal of an ass.” The triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem was described in all four Gospels. In Mark, Jesus instructed his disciples: “... ye shall find [...]

Categories: R.E. Evans, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991|


A “double portion” of the paternal property was allotted by a birthright of the firstborn son, under the Mosaic law. The “double portion” was the right of the firstborn, even if he were the child of a less favored wife. (Deut. 21:15-17) The blessing of the firstborn had a basis even in Genesis. In Genesis 49 Jacob called his sons, and began the blessing [...]

Categories: Jerry Leslie, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991|

History of the Ark

"The Ark of the Covenant ... represented the eternal purpose of God ... for mankind in the Christ ... Christ Jesus and his Bride, the 'little flock,' to be ... imbued with power and great glory." Below is a summary of the Old Testament narratives regarding the Ark. Sinai References Construction directions from God. Ex. 25:10-22 To be placed in the Most Holy. Ex. [...]

Categories: Henry Soltau, Volume 2, No.3, Aug. 1991|
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