1992 – Volume 3
Signs of Christ’s Presence
It happens that some brothers and sisters wonder whether the Lord has really returned. More than one hundred years have elapsed since the Lord came again and the Church is not yet completely glorified. Some children of God wonder even whether the six thousand years, symbolizing the night of sin, have passed and whether we are at the dawn of the seventh day of [...]
From a Reader
One point in your comment [“From a Reader,” May, 1991] on Lev. 9:5, you understood “they” to mean the elders. I must question this, in Lev. 9:1 we find Moses calling Aaron and his sons and the elders. I understand “they” to mean Aaron and his sons, the elders if they were not priests or Levites could not handle any of the items of [...]
The Transfiguration
In Luke 9:27 Jesus said something remarkable: “But I tell you of a truth there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God” Although the account doesn't state it directly, it appears this was fulfilled about a week later when Peter, James, and John saw a remarkable vision. That vision was described by Matthew, Mark, [...]
Common Days
One of the chief dangers of life is trusting occasions. We think that conspicuous events, striking experiences, exalted moments have most to do with our character and capacity. We are wrong. Common days, monotonous hours, wearisome paths, plain old tools, and everyday clothes tell the real story. Good habits are not made on birthdays, nor Christian character at the new year. The vision may [...]
The Exodus – Part II
A continuation of “An Introduction to the Exodus. A Picture of the Plan of the Ages,” appearing in the previous issue. THE PASSOVER The passover lamb is a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 5:7). The Passover has been the subject of many good studies and summaries (e.g., Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 6, Study XI, “The Passover of the New Creation”), [...]