Volume 2, No.3, Mar. 1981
Jesus’ Last Days
The last week of our Lord's human life was full and active. A good part of the Gospel accounts deal with his last days, and a surprising number of the teachings and parables recorded for us were delivered in them. SUNDAY NISAN 9 We pick up the account of Jesus' last week in John 12:1... "Then Jesus six days before the passover came to [...]
CONCERNING "TWO GROUPS IN THE REVELATION" "Seven times in Revelation this similar four-grouping occurs, (Below, from Marshall's Diaglott) 5:9 7:9 10:11 11:9 13:7 14:6 17:15 tongue tongues tongues tongues tongue tongue tongues people peoples peoples people people people peoples nation nation nations nations nation nation nations tribe tribes kings tribes tribe tribe crowds Note the two times that tribe' does not appear, it [...]
Two Women Compared
Revelation 17 and 21 present contrasting pictures of the "great whore" and "the bride, the Lamb's wife." There are several particulars of the passages which are so closely related, either by similarity or contrast, that it is apparent to the reader was intended to note a contrast between the chaste Bride of Christ and the adulterous pretender. We list them here: Revelation 17:1-8 Revelation [...]