Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981

Henry Grew on the Trinity

The following is excerpted from "An Examination of the Divine Testimony Concerning the Character of the Son of God," by Henry Grew, published in 1824. The entire treatise is 70 pages in length, thoughtfully written and reverent. Bro. Grew preambled the publication with this quotation: "When we have humbly and attentively considered and ascertained the meaning of any proposition, we should implicitly believe it, [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

Correspondence on the Crucifixion Method

I thought some may be interested in additional information on the crucifixion question. In 1968 Israeli archaeologists uncovered the remains of a crucifixion victim named Jehohanan. They were able to determine that he was crucified on a cross with a cross-arm. A single nail was driven through a wooden plaque and then the feet into the cross, the knees were bent and a small [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

And they lived…

This familiar expression is from Revelation 20:4... "And I saw ... the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, . . . and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." We want to specially ask the meaning of the words "they lived." The first impression which comes to mind is that the saints lived with and reigned with [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

Chronology of Highlights of the Millerite Movement

"MAN PURIFIED... THE WISE TO UNDERSTAND" (AFTER 1290 DAYS) 1816 William T. Miller (1782-1849) was converted to Christianity in a Baptist church in Hampton, New York. A studious and self-educated man, he was not satisfied with certain aspects of Christian teaching and the many seeming contradictions of the Bible. This motivated him to undertake a two year comprehensive study of the Bible which convinced [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|

A Clue to Ezekiel?

It is possible that the book of Ezekiel is a prophecy of the harvest church. Chapter 1, verse 3, suggests in the meaning of the proper names employed that this might well be the case: Ezekiel means "Whom God will strengthen" (meaning uncertain) - perhaps suggesting Rev. 3:20. Buzi means "contempt" - certainly the attitude with which the Babylonish world views the harvest church. [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 1981|
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