Correspondence on the Crucifixion Method

Categories: Volume 2, No.10, Oct. 19811 min read

I thought some may be interested in additional information on the crucifixion question.

In 1968 Israeli archaeologists uncovered the remains of a crucifixion victim named Jehohanan. They were able to determine that he was crucified on a cross with a cross-arm. A single nail was driven through a wooden plaque and then the feet into the cross, the knees were bent and a small platform on which the victim could barely sit was provided. The hand nails were actually placed through the wrists, a fact which was guessed at earlier due to the fragile nature of the hand – the hand would tear and not support the weight of the body. Also, a nail in the hand would most likely have shattered one of the fragile bones in violation of John 19:36. (The Greek word for hand can include arm parts – see Young’s.) This person also had his legs broken to hasten death. John 19:32.

Granted, this is only one crucifixion and no proof that all crucifixions were done this way, but it is strong evidence that this was the “normal” way it was done.

Source: Bible and Spade, Vol. 1, No. 1, pg. 13.

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