Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981

The Signs of Jonas

When our Lord died, there were several notable occurrences to indicate the significance of his crucifixion. Darkness fell over the land from noon to 15:00, when our Lord expired. The Veil in the Temple was rent from top to bottom, the earth shook, graves were opened, and the moon eclipsed. Those who soberly considered these signs received a sense of the importance of Jesus' [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981|

The Theology of Isaac Newton

Concerning Isaac Newton we read: "He was as great a writer in [theology] as his generation produced, and though not always in strict accordance with the most conservative Christian orthodoxy, he shone especially as a worthy example of Christian life, and, notwithstanding a most unfaltering inquiry into nature's law, stood fast always in his faith in the Holy Scriptures, which he made as much [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981|


WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST "We understand that Armageddon and Jacob's Trouble are two separate and distinct events; Jacob's Trouble being the last feature of Armageddon, after Armageddon is mainly over. In Armageddon, the Lord's great army will destroy present powers world-wide. In Jacob's Trouble, Gog and Magog, armies from the north, will come to Israel to take a spoil." In Reply - Our thought [...]

Categories: Volume 2, No.4, Apr. 1981|
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