Volume 2, No.4, Nov. 1991
An Introduction to the Exodus: A Picture of the Plan of the Ages
A people oppressed by cruel taskmasters are freed from oppression by the mighty acts of God: Israel's Exodus from Egypt. Who has not been moved by the recounting of it? But many scriptures in both Old and New Testaments point out a greater significance. By the Exodus our God has shown how He will eventually deliver His church and the world of mankind from [...]
A Harvest Psalm – Psalm 82
This Psalm seems to divide into three major divisions: (1) Verses 1 through 5, (2) verses 6-7, and (3) verse 8. The first section refers to Jesus standing in judgment against the mighty ones of earth. Verses 6-7 have Jesus turning to the saints and saying “you are the ones who will help execute this judgment.” The final verse is apparently David (as John [...]
I Saw God!
“I saw God.” Only two men in human history could really make such a statement. The mediator of the Old Covenant, Moses, saw the back of God passing by (Exod. 33:23), and the mediator of the New Covenant, the man Christ Jesus, saw Him face to face (John 1:18). However, at least three prophets received visions in which they were privileged to see the [...]
Glimpses of God
Strong's #3068 - Yehovah - (the) self existent or eternal, from Strong's #1961, hayah, to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass. Oldest manuscripts present the name in the form of four consonants, commonly called the Tetragrammaton (from the greek tetra meaning four and gramma meaning letter). These four letters are YHWH. The Hebrew alphabet was composed of 22 consonants. The vowel sounds [...]